Drums and Shofar for Bar Mitzva in the Cotel
oshry: 0523-200401
Shalom Everyone.
My name is Oshry, and I belong to Toopei Simcha, which is Hebrew for Drums of Joy.
Our mission is to make sure that your celebration is filled with happiness, with plenty of good rhythm and your favorite traditional songs, which everyone loves to sing. The experience of joining together in song creates a sense of utter elation.
Toopei Simcha provides the drums, the giant Shofars, the wind instruments, and plenty of joyous music. We start out by blowing the Shofars, as the Bar Mitzvah boy, or the bride and groom, or others who are marking a special occasion, take their positions under the white canopy. Next, the festivities begin – with a musical procession , and the chanting of piyyutim (traditional liturgical songs).
Together, with God's help, we will break down every barrier and welcome the warmth of the Almighty, knowing that the joy of celebration is a sublime mitzvah.